About Project

Project “Safety for our children”

System code: ROBG-461

The Project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme.

Amount of EU contribution: 296 383.83 EUR ERDF

Lead Beneficiary:
“Regional Development Agency and Business Center 2000” Montana

Project partners:
Association “Regional partnerships for sustainable development – Vidin”
Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation

Main objective: The Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to expand the regions’ horizons, to build concrete and measurable outcomes and to enable the area to be a region to live, study, work, visit and invest in. Natural Disasters like as droughts, floods, erosion or landslides can create human loses and have very detrimental consequences for the development of the region, in particular for its accessibility, tourism or agriculture. Therefore it is a priority to strengthen joint planning along with the development and implementation of preventive and management actions in order to enhance the cross-border low mitigation capacity. This requires the reinforcement of the related cross-border cooperation through the implementation of common projects and initiatives and of awareness raising measures in order to create a more effective mobilization of the cross-border population towards adaptive measures and risk prevention. The overall objective of this project proposal is to target the efforts of the Romanian and Bulgarian communities to participate in the envisaged joint project activities, to exchange experience and good practices and to raise awareness of effective risk prevention in the long time. This project contributes to achieving the specific objectives of the Program and Priority Axis 3.1. by implementing the following key actions: – developing and implementing common ideas and initiatives, such as the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience among beneficiaries; – conducting collaborative research, analyzing data and developing joint programs for theoretic and practical trainings; developing of new attractive training materials, which also will include practical advices such as survival principles, what to do before, during and after floods and forest fires; – generate new useful proposals as a result of cross-border meetings between experts; – raising awareness among the cross-border community of a timely response to natural disasters. The expected results from the project implementation are: preparation of 600 students (future volunteers for action in case of disasters – floods and forest fires), benefiting from specific practical and theoretical trainings with new training programme and materials; preparation of 60 teachers for trainers in case of disaster; upgrading of the existing project partnership in the field of risk prevention and response in emergencies. Also, under project implementation project partners will evaluate of needs and opportunities for better risk prevention in the target schools from cross-border region; it will be prepare a joint practical training programme for out-of-class trainings and will be develop and host of on-line platform for communication and sharing of knowledge, experience and good practices. Within the promotional campaign, they will be developed, printed and disseminate: 3 banners; 1000 brochures in the three languages with popular explanations about the project goals, activities, expected results and benefits for the beneficiaries; 150 posters; 800 t-shirts, 800 hats, 800 pens, 800 notebooks and diplomas for trainers, students and participants in the cross-border competitions in the cross-border region. The project partners will hold a total of 6 press conferences, for the beginning and the end of the project, in the three districts from the target cross-border region.


  1. Developed of in-depth Researches on the current state of flood risk management and forest fires in target schools and relevant institutions;
  2. Conducted of International meeting of experts;
  3. Developed of new joint practical training programmes and methodically training materials;
  4. Developed and hosted an on-line platform;
  5. Conducted of 3 trainings of trainers, with the help of which will enhance the level of knowledge, skills and experience of the students for the prevention of the risk of floods and forest fires in the cross-border region;
  6. Conducted of total 12 out-of-class trainings for 600 students in the field of flood and forest fire prevention;
  7. Conducted of 2 cross-border competitions for exchange and show the learned during the trainings;
  8. Purchased and delivered an equipment for the trainings and cross-border competitions;
  9. Organized and conducted an International forum;
  10. Developed and printed of promotional materials.


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